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What are white label loans and why you should consider one

White label loans are essentially a home-branded loan, much like the home-branded products you see in the supermarket. Like these products, white label loans aim to deliver many of the same great features as bank branded home loans, but for a lower cost.

Five reasons to consider a white label loan

  • Simplicity is key in white label products, and they are great for home buyers looking for a straight forward variable or fixed rate loan.
  • White label loans are quality, cost-effective and flexible. They offer features you may need (like redraw, debit card access and a customer care facility) in a home loan, and you don’t have to pay for additional features you are unlikely to use.
  • Through white label, you receive a better deal because it’s not branded with the name of a big bank and doesn’t carry the cost of providing access to an expensive branch network that you may not need. It’s like a reward for shopping around, and doing your research through a broker.
  • You can only access white label loans through brokers – this means you are getting access to a product many in the market aren’t aware of, and you can take advantage of your broker’s expertise and guidance.
  • Saving on price does not mean you are compromising on quality or service. Through white label, you still get access to expert support teams and the facilities to give you quick turnaround times – a huge positive in the current environment.

If you would like to know more about white label home loans you can chat to us about whether they are right for you. Give us a call to book an appointment on 03 5434 7690.